
2010 - Geisha

Taken on 29 December 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

D300 with 18-200mm@200mm, F5.6, ISO 1250, Aperture Priority.

All size in Flickr

We spent few hours in hanamachi (花街), just to have a glimpse of geisha. However, the mission failed :( . So I took this photo from advertisement, pretended that we have seen this beautiful girl lolz.

我們在寒冷的夜里到花街走走尋尋覓覓,還是找不到藝伎 :( 。所以我拍了某間居酒屋門外的廣告,就當作我們已經完成了到京都游玩的其中一個目標 (汗……這樣說我卻一點也高興不起來……)。
